Anxiety and Depression

Feeling overwhelmed and out of control is not a way to live.

You may be stressed from work, school, tense relationships, monetary problems, illness, or other obstacles thrown your way. Whatever the reason, every aspect of your life seems out of control.

Stress can lead to anxiety, which can undermine a person’s ability to find joy and happiness in life.

For some people suffering with anxiety, panic attacks can occur, causing fear and avoidance of any situation the person feels might be causing the anxiety.

As the mind races causing a person to feel unsettled, sleeping becomes difficult, and exhaustion joins anxiety in the dance.

Feeling exhausted and anxious can cause one to not look forward to moving through their life, thus causing immobility at every turn.

Anxiety is more than a passing worry.

There are times when anxiety can be directly linked to unresolved trauma, but it often stems from other sources that cause excessive stress.

Much like trauma, the brain can get stuck in a heightened state of arousal of fight, flight, or freeze; and the person dealing with anxiety can feel close to panic a lot of the day.

Regardless of the cause, anxiety can get worse and interfere with every aspect of a person’s life.

Anxiety and its effects can absolutely be overcome!

When anxiety is successfully treated through therapy, a sense of wholeness, calm, and contentment is restored, resulting in a new normal.

Even if anxiety arises again, the person no longer feels afraid because they know how to manage it with ease. As a result, they feel confident and no longer avoid the day but rather look forward to living their life in a confident and empowered way.

Those feelings of doubt and fear are replaced by feelings of confidence, competence, and positive self-esteem.

Depression overshadows your lust for life.

Depression, whether situational or clinical, can create a great deal of difficulty for the person trying to cope and/or work through it to get to a better place.

You can feel as though nothing works so, “What is the point of trying?”

Hopelessness can occur to the degree that thoughts of whether life is worth living begin to manifest, and soon you’re wondering if the world might not be better off without you.

Healing from depression starts with understanding.

With the help of therapy, please know that feeling better can absolutely happen and depression can be overcome.

Understanding the depression begins by identifying the triggers and how you respond to them.

Learning about the factors contributing to depression helps a person create long-lasting, emotional stability.

Identifying and healing from any past trauma also will be important. Additionally, you will be able to overcome self-defeating attitudes, beliefs, and self-talk that hold you back.

Stop suffering from anxiety and depression in silence.

Please do not suffer alone while thinking that you cannot be helped.

Recognize that you are worth the investment and that feeling better can absolutely happen.

Help is available. You can truly find hope, stability, balance, and joy once again.

I can help.

Please call me at (801) 597-7673 or complete the contact form below.