Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Many events can be traumatic and lead to PTSD.

Casualties of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars are not all physical in nature. Soldiers in these wars show increased levels of PTSD from the stress and horror that they have endured.

First responders and emergency room personnel suffer from PTSD as a result of seeing death and severe injury on a regular basis.

Others suffer from trauma and PTSD from past sexual abuse, rape, accidents, and many more life-threatening and life-changing events.

Replaying over and over…

Something happens – and it triggers a response to some past traumatic event. Stress rises as you become frightened and respond accordingly.

Nightmares and sleepless nights increase, and you lose interest in life.

Irritations increase, and you respond negatively to those close to you.

The memories keep invading your life, and they seem to never end.

Perhaps it’s time to make a change and not listen to the same old record.

EMDR provides relief from trauma and PTSD.

EMDR is an evidence-based technique that can be used for treating trauma and PTSD.

It is an effective modality for treating trauma and other issues that have the person stuck in a heightened state of arousal due to the flight, fight, and freeze response.

The brain’s information processing system naturally moves toward mental health. If the system is blocked or imbalanced by the impact of a disturbing event, the emotional wound festers and can cause intense suffering.

The primary focus is on healing the mind and removing the block that causes repeated negative responses to past events.

Using the detailed protocols and procedures learned in EMDR therapy training sessions, I can help you activate your natural healing processes.

Traumatic memories can be resolved, negative beliefs reformulated, and psychological suffering reduced.

Stop letting trauma and PTSD rule your life!

As a professional therapist trained in EMDR, I can help you overcome what is keeping you from being free from past trauma.

It’s time to refocus and stop repeating that nightmare.

Now is the time to invest in yourself and begin the journey to health and well-being!

I can absolutely help!

Please call me at (801) 597-7673 or complete the contact form below.