Exposure Response Prevention (ERP)

Triggers cause a cascade of emotional response.

Recycling anxiety, PTSD, and OCD are triggered by some event – and this causes activation of a response.

The person may become more distressed, apprehensive, or angry. In a sense, a ritualistic response is elicited by the trigger.

Facing fears starts the healing process.

Exposure Response Prevention therapy is often used to treat Anxiety, PTSD, and OCD.

It can be quite effective as a technique in cognitive behavioral therapy that slowly and incrementally exposes the person to the source of distress in a controlled and safe manner. This allows the person to practice altering the standard response to the trigger and blocking fearful behavior.

The person’s brain becomes accustomed to the stimulus and works through the discomfort to find that there is no real danger and that it does not have to go to the flight, fight, freeze response unless truly needed.

Often, the brain can become confused and stuck in a heightened state of arousal that complicates the healing process. ERP allows the person to recognize that there is no current risk.

Stop the cycle!

With the use of ERP, we can work together to reformat your response to triggers.

Now is the time to invest in yourself and begin the journey to health and well-being!

I can absolutely help!

Please call me at (801) 597-7673 or complete the contact form below.