
Not getting beyond a traumatic event is a sign of PTSD.

Traumatic events can be upsetting; and, as a result, a person’s normal activities and thoughts might be impacted. But over time, the person begins to recover. However, some traumatic events can cause an individual to relive the experience over and over as a result of PTSD.

If left untreated, unresolved psychological, emotional trauma, and PTSD can impact every aspect of a person’s life.

Even if the trauma occurred early in life, it can become problematic later in life.

Life is turned upside down.

When you are dealing with trauma, you can find yourself struggling to take on the most basic of functions, as it seems insurmountable to do so.

You might find yourself acting in ways that you don’t understand and that don’t fit your value system.

That event keeps flashing back, recreating panic and stress. Some events may actually trigger your panic, as you relive the trauma.

Trusting yourself and others doesn’t seem possible, so in response you isolate and withdraw only to find that you become lonely, anxious, and more depressed.

You are left wondering if there is any real point to trying to move forward because nothing seems to work.

Life can be difficult to navigate when feeling that there is no hope.

Suffering in silence is not the answer.

Trauma treatment is a worthwhile process that will enable you to thrive rather than merely survive.

When the trauma/PTSD is successfully treated, you suddenly feel that you have the freedom to be yourself, to create, to find possibility, to find fulfilment, and to successfully engage in your relationships.

Moreover, you gain the courage to create a life you love.

Learning to respond differently.

Some of the modalities that I use to treat trauma are Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) and Inner Child processing, as well as the use of mindfulness skills.

You will come to fully understand yourself and how the trauma is manifested in your life in a way that you haven’t before.

You gain tools that can be used right away to help the distress that you consistently feel.

Out with the old life and in with the new.

Trauma can be healed and put in the past once and for all.

You can enjoy life without feeling that something negative or terrible is about to happen.

You can learn to trust yourself, your judgment, and others once again. Joy in living can truly be achieved!

It starts by contacting me today at (801) 597-7673 or completing the contact form below.